ISBN: 9788129120489
Binding : Paperback
Binding : Paperback
Publisher: Rupa Publications
Number of Pages: 358
Genre: Fiction
Language: English
Language: English
About the book:
When big shots
write the layman must simply adhere to their fancy words! Tough for the spirit
born over burning coal- I must say! With the financial world laying aside their
pinkish newspapers and stock ledgers and picking up novels that coined new
genre- financial thriller- creativity became more of an universal skill. Lucky to
have got introduced to Indian John Grisham from the Banking world aka Ravi
gangsters have dotted our shady existence- banging their guns at the wee hours,
and claiming authority over us- but a Bankster is a tricky evolution. They are
robbers employed within the banking sector- pulling strings to heave money while
hypnotizing the gullible customers. And who can be a better imposing well-wisher
than a woman- who loops the men around her toying fingers- has the political domain
as the father figure and an international con for a husband. I am not giving
you the name- I should not- it’s a thriller for god’s
Initially it was
all about decadent socialites who happen to be working at GB2- but rather have
more high spirited pleasures to concentrate on. Its money game- and sledging while
parched over rotating chair in comfy rooms- it’s about taking in employees who
are ready to wag their tails at your calling. And its about a slash- faced
multinational con man smuggling diamonds, and killing innocents abroad with a
clean swipe.
If this was it-
the story would have been a common 60s sleuth novellas. This is new millennium-
and Ravi Subramanian is an ace player. He gives a challenge
to reassess your nuclear disaster knowledge- making you look beyond Bhava to a
small dot on the Indian map where the controversial Trikakulam Nuclear Power
Plant (TNPP) enjoys nation’s attention. A father’s
plight is maneuvered into mass hysteria by greedy political figures. And the
law is long dead. Krishna Menon- the man in context- is a man standing out of
the crowd- who never faltered, much like Raymond the iron man, Harshita- the
lady who left the final clue to the riveting mystery accidentally through Wifi. Bankster
decides the graphical faith of Greater Boston Global Bank- and the Karan Panjabi
is our standing Samaritan. Flip through the pages- you won’t feel fatigue
getting the better of you as you jump to and fro from Angola, Kerala and
if you ask me- what I liked about the book- I would say- the price tag- it’s a worthy
buy. The number of pages doesn’t tire you off- you hardly feel your sore
bottom! The characters are absolute truth etched out of words- language is
showcase of a mastered vocabulary. I haven’t had the heart to pick his previous
novels- and I agree I had been a fool. Luck shines on the Indian literary firmament-
with intriguing books topping the best selling charts- And Ravi will surely be
remembered as one of the best among the record makers.
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Very nice review. Your writing style and usage of words is impeccable
I read the book after reading the review on Shilpa Garg's website. This is the first Indian thriller I have read and I liked the storyline. It was gripping
But in some places the language went a little slack and I think it could have been written a little better.
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